Thursday, April 9, 2009

spring break 2009 pictures

There are many pictures that are significant to me. But, the following are just pictures from my off-island trips with the Upward Bound Program.
The picture on the left was taken at Memphis, Tennesse at the end of the 2-day conference with most of the winners from the Trio Quest Website competition 2009 that were able to come.
Following my trip to Memphis was another trip to Orlando, Florida.
The picture on the right shows my group members inlcuding my coach and myself in Disney World. I've never been to Disney World and always wanted to. In addition, I never expected myself going to the place until I developed my own family. Fortunately, I learned that with hard work and a lot of effort, there are great rewards that come along with it.

Two months later, I received another opportunity to travel to the mainland again. Except this time, it wasn't for a conference. The trip was for college tour visits and in total there were 11 that we've visited. I traveled with 25 other students and 5 chaperones. The picture on the left shows me, Jovelle, and Jeanette in Washington DC. This was our first time we went there and the picture shows us standing in front of the gates of the White House.

After Washington DC, we took an approximate amount of an eight-hour drive to Boston, Massachusettes. Along the way we past by Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. I realized that I actually prefer road trips rather than plane trips. On the course of a road trip, you get the chance to stop by and see other places. Unlike plane trips, you sit and have much of a limited space, and all you can do is view places from up above. The right picture is me at Harvard.
The picture above was taken at the last place I went to on the Spring Retreat. These were the 26 students that had the opportunity to travel which was 16 days long. There were a few of us that represented UCLA while on the college campus tour at USC. Brian our tour guide graduated from USC and told us to represent UCLA at USC so that we can feel the rival between the two schools. But, I learned that although it may sound like fun and games, it could lead into something very serious. In conclusion, I have many other pictures but I decided to use my mainland trip pictures because I never actually thought I'd get the chance to go to all of these places at my age and within a period of 3-4 months.

1 comment:

  1. Good one, Klaire with a "K". I think that you have a fine start with how you told your story. Might be good idea for next year's paper - like "10 trips to go on before you graduate from high school" or a "how to go on trips as a HS student".

    Erase the extra spaces/paragraph lines after your text because it will cause your blog to have space like the one above, okay? Takes practice, but you'll get the hang of it.
